Your baby’s born. Now what? Whether you’re one of those mothers who monitored your contractions with an app, or whether you didn’t want the cellphone anywhere near you at that time, we are sure that you can’t help but think that your cellphone can help you somehow in raising your newborn, even if you just use it to send a WhatsApp message to someone who can help, support or advise you.

7 apps for your baby’s first year of life

In this entry, we recommend 7 of the best apps for your baby’s first year of life. These apps will help you provide better support when raising your child and will allow you to record different aspects of your baby’s development

1. LactApp

LactApp is an app that will help you with breastfeeding matters. With over 2300 answers about breastfeeding, you can carry a breastfeeding expert in your pocket. Is my baby feeding properly? Why does my baby suddenly stop feeding but wants to continue?


2. BabyNursing

This app enables you to keep a complete, organised record of important information about your baby’s growth and development. Sleep times, feeding times, nappy changes bottle feeding, weaning, monitoring measurements, bath times, etc. Lots of information that will help you have a thorough record of your baby’s first months.


3. Las semanas mágicas

Your baby won’t stop crying and you don’t know why? Perhaps your child is going through a “wonder week”. Leaps in your child’s development leave your baby confused and wanting to cry. This app notifies you of all the leaps in your child’s development with an alarm and a calendar. This way you can better understand your child, for example, why your daughter is cranky, why she cries, why she won’t calm down…

This app, together with “The wonder weeks” book is amazing because it helps you to understand your baby’s entire development. This will help you to understand your baby and provide better support. The app will give you clues to understand whether or not your child is experiencing a leap, it will give you guidance about the new skills your baby is acquiring, what she can understand and learn after developmental leaps and how to help your baby to adjust to them.


4. Crecer

This app allows you to know your baby’s growth curve for height, weight, and head diameter. Have you ever gone to the pediatrician and they told you that your child has decreased from the 90th to the 15th percentile? With this app, you’ll see the same thing as your pediatrician and you can monitor the growth curves. Available for iOS (There are also alternatives available for Android systems, such as Percentil, a simple application that also enables you to closely monitor how your baby is growing.)


5. Spotify

How could I not include Spotify here? The perfect tool to lighten the unending feeding times. A simple way to pass the time and give your child a changing, pleasant and stimulating musical environment.


6. Kindle

Another application that can keep you entertained and help you slightly switch off. You can download numerous books, read whilst feeding your baby, while she sleeps, read during those long hours in the armchair between feeding-sleeping-waking-feeding.


7. Memima Baby

If you want to stimulate your baby respectfully and create a stronger and more secure emotional bond, BabyWiseTunes is your app. BabyWiseTunes allows you to stimulate your baby comfortably, following an exclusive method and allowing your baby to think musically. Available for iOS and Android



The selection of apps we believe are the most useful for dealing with your baby’s first few months. Deliberately leaving out apps for making photo albums (which I’ll do in another entry), here we wanted to compile a list of those that can get you out of a fix or that would be very useful for monitoring growth. What apps would you recommend to me? Has an app saved you from any trouble?

In any case, more and more mothers are using mobile devices for an endless number of child raising issues. There are a number of great apps, whether they’re to write the next visit to the pediatrician on the calendar or to communicate with your partner by WhatsApp.